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Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


The Love Club

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach
xoalimortimer - life, love & happiness coach.jpg


Mastermind for women

The Love Club is a 6 month Mastermind for women with Ali.

*Ignite your vision & chase your dreams

*Harmonise with life lovers & leaders

*Open up to Manifest, Magnetise, Monetise!



Having the right circle of women around you is honestly the biggest life upgrade you can give yourself. 


In the Love Club, we are women, mothers, wives, partners daughters, sisters, friends.  

We are women who work hard at life, at achieving our goals, optimum health & wealth and contribute to the lives of others at home, at work, in our communities.

We are women business owners, business leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals, consultants, lawyers, coaches, healthcare providers, innovators, selling our time, our services, our knowledge, our skills & our products. 


And we are so much more;  we are big dreamers!

We are visionaries who want more for ourselves, our loves, our lives, our businesses, our teams, our companies and our families and we aren't afraid to declare it and go for it!

We are the big achievers willing to create the lives we love living.


Women joining with women not only gives you a support system, but it gives you a stronger belief system and a love system that create the foundation of your life upgrade!


Over the course of my personal journey in life, and through coaching & mentoring 100's of women, I have recognised that life very rarely runs smoothly.


One thing that I have learnt through my life, my work & with my health is that

having the right circle of women around you is honestly the biggest life upgrade. 

To me this is exactly what the Love Club will provide.



As you lead yourself through your life, you will be inspiring others.  Their stories will inspire  & motivate you!  The questions they ask, the challenges they work through will give you the tools & lessons you need to continue to grow in wisdom, strength & confidence.


I believe that all roads walked with love lead to joy.

This is how I created a life I love to live : 

Loving what I do, how I do it and why I do it (work & purpose)

Loving where I am going and where I am going with (relationships & dreams)

Loving myself, in all the ways & loving all the parts of me (my 'diamond' identity)


The Mastermind

As a Member of the Love Club Mastermind you will have access to :




Weekly Coaching & Mentoring

Personalised support every week in an intimate & private Voxer chat room, energetic clearing, life & health guidance, integration, mindset & emotional support.

Conversations include health, weight, hormones, recipes!  Parenting, partnering, intimacy, marriage & love everlasting!  We talk business strategy, mindset, energetics with soul & spirit alongside facts & figures, dreams & goals!


The Love Club Private Forum:

 Connect with other brilliant women,  a community to ask for accountability, for feedback, share updates & tell us all about your celebrations.  Riffs & bonus live recordings from Ali to deepen conversations initiated in Voxer.


The Love Club Quarterly Live Group Session:

Set your quarterly objectives, share your intentions & celebrate all our achievements.  With opportunities to speak, be heard, receive coaching & mentoring from Ali.  


Self Guided Learning & Online Coaching

Lifetime access to a Library of Masterclasses which includes all Life Labs & Joy Codes plus any future new monthly Life Labs as they are released. These masterclasses share my tools, tips, strategies, my life lessons & experiences. Life Labs to date, topics have included the importance of sleep for wellbeing, Mindfulness as an approach to living well, Understanding the Self for confidence & clarity, Relationships and most recently, the Menopause which also includes a section on holistic health for longevity.  The Joy Codes share how I have 'coded' myself with joy, prioritising joy & happiness throughout my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual being.


Two ways to join

The Love Club is a 6 month Mastermind.  You can pay in full for the 6 months for £555 or pay in 2 monthly instalments of £333.


The Joy Codes

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


Throughout our life, our experiences shape us - how we think, feel, act & behave.  We hold emotional codes, belief codes, soul codes, trauma codes… This year, I asked myself how I had ‘coded’ myself in to prioritising joy & happiness and this is what I am going to be sharing with you over the course of the next 6 months - THE JOY CODES:


  • HOPES & DREAMS: Let's spice up your life with understanding what you really really want.  It's time to allow yourself to dream, to wish, to hope, to feeling in to all you desire. Give yourself permission to really dare to dream, to imagine what life could be like… unlock your potential future in your imagination and watch the magic unfold! (available now in the Love Club Library)

  • AWAKEN YOUR SPIRITUAL INTUITION:  What could be a more beautiful way to end your year with a deep spiritual connection, some personal introspection, allowing the noise & drama of the year fade so that you can listen to the musings of your soul & where she wants to lead you in 2024.  It's time to power up your soul. (available now in the Love Club Library)

  • MASTERING YOUR MIND: Your mind is your biggest & most powerful asset.  Your mind can either FIRE you up or F*ck you up!  It is time to get inside your mind and clear out the clutter, the noise and loosen the chains that are holding you back to living & loving your life. It's time to unleash you for the most magical year yet! (available now in the Love Club Library)

  • RESILIENCE & HEART: Now that you have mastered your mind, you can lead with your heart. It's time to strengthen your heart muscle. It is time to become a true Love Warrior! (available now in the Love Club Library)

  • SPEAK & BE THE TRUTH: Authenticity is the armour we wear when we feel our most vulnerable.  But how is this possible? How will you stay safe?  Transparency, honesty, truth is the only way to belonging and when you belong, you are always safe. (available now in the Love Club Library)

  •  INTENTIONAL CREATION.  You are the master of your destiny. You are the painter of your vision and the artist who brings it to life.  This is magic manifestation. Are you ready to feast on your life? (Release date April 2024)

Happiness Stories

I've been hiding a bit from "the work".. the Love Club was a real reminder of what even a small slice of time can do and felt great just to discuss the meaningful stuff xxx


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