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You know the 4D's but do you know the 3R's to Time Management?

You have probably heard of the 4D’s of time management? Yes?

But have you heard of the 3R’s that go with it?

The 4D’s is great (it's one of my favourite tools of reducing that big to do list that never seems to reduce!) but I still get the ‘excuse’ from my own mind - mirrored by my clients! - that there is never enough time or they aren't good enough or only I can do it... bla bla!

So let me ask you - are you ACTUALLY practising the 4 D’s or do you find yourself hitting resistance and reverting back to putting everything back on your list?

If this is you - start adding the 3R’s to your ‘D’.


- How can I REFRAME this?

- What would REASSURE me?

Here are my personal examples of the 3R's alongside the reminder of the 4D's:


Anything that is no longer relevant or supportive to your goals, dreams, aspirations; Anything that is weighing you down, feels heavy on your mind, heart or soul; consider dropping / ditching / deleting these from your list.

Resistance: what if I get it wrong?

Reframe: what if I don’t? What if this makes life easier?

Reassure: I can pick it back up if it becomes supportive to my goals!


As many tasks as you can that do not need YOU specifically to do them. Give a detailed brief, set expectations & then trust they will get the job done.

Resistance: I can do it better / quicker.

Reframe: what if you focussed on longer term gain rather than short term pain?

Reassure: this is giving me some time back now & a lot more later!


Whatever is on your list that doesn’t have to be done today, immediately, has no urgent dependency, remove from today’s priority list, note to another ‘backlog’ list or diarise for a future date.

Resistance: What if I forget or it get’s forgotten?

Reframe: if it is urgent, important, it will not get forgotten.

Reassurance: It is on another list! And I won’t forget.

DO & Deal with it now

Deal with the important, urgent, top priority and things that only you can do remaining on this list. Start with choosing just 3 to do first. Do those first & get them off your list. Breath! Take a walk, a break. Then pick another 1 or 2. Then another 1 or 2. And then REST & congratulate yourself! You got stuff done!

Resistance: There is still so much to do.

Reframe: But there is less than there was! Thinking about it is just wasting my time.

Reassurance: I have got this; one task at a time.

The 4 D’s of time management was created to simplify, streamline & remove the physical & I have added my own little sprinkle of magic with the 3 R’s to lighten the mental overwhelm.

This is your reminder that life is more than one big to do list!

And that you can always make time for a good cup of coffee in the sunshine!

Love always

Ali xo

PS - have you taken the Happiness Quiz yet to get your Happiness Report?! get your unique roadmap to aligning yourself to being happy, healthy & free - here


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