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Private Client - Karen (Director)

I am sharing these beautiful words written to me in an private letter, with the permission of the author to inspire, give hope to anyone else feeling the same way & spark the courage to seek help.

Dear Ali

You took me on a journey to the heart of my inner self.

At the beginning of our journey, I felt ashamed, devastated and very sad to find myself so completely broken and stripped of all my strength. I felt hopeless, trapped and frightened. I was under huge pressure and focussed on being a successful high achiever, a loving wife and Mum and friend. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t care or look after myself. I put me last. I let myself endure unnecessary suffering.

I was trying to endure the rough waters of life, trauma of menopause and loss of myself without self compassion or support. I couldn’t understand why I suddenly couldn’t copy with any pressure and a tiny amount of stress overwhelmed me. I felt ashamed to be weak and vulnerable. I felt a complete failure. I had totally failed myself.

It took enormous will power, commitment and trust to hope and believe I would get better.

With you beside me and your incredible never ending abundance of love and belief in me, I felt I could try to face how I felt as your support was my strength. I completely trusted you with all of me, even the parts I detested or was embarrassed about. You gently guided me to explore many layers of pain, stripping and re-evaluating everything about my values, beliefs and behaviours.

I will never forget what you taught me.

Loved that you shared this quote ‘that some storms aren’t here to destroy your life, they are here to clear your path.’

You taught me the power of completely trusting in the strength of my sacral and to listen to my heart, mind and gut. I learnt to respect, accept and release pain.

You supported me with such devotion and with all your heart <3 gently guiding me through intense healing.

It was painful and hard but somehow we always found joy and laughter. I am so proud of what we achieved. I feel blessed that we shared so many magical moments.

I am loving my very special life again now. I have a secret smile.

I possess inner harmony and confidence.

I feel triumphant!!!

I have evolved to a healthier me; feel awake, excited and positive for next chapter.

I know very clearly what I value and what I desire.

Success in my life means something completely different now.

It is loving all of me and I value health, love, me, family & friends, fun and creativity!!!

Thank you Ali. You are amazing.

A completely gifted coach and human.

I was so frightened and didn’t believe I could ever feel better.

Your unique approach to coaching has honestly saved me from a life of suffering and darkness.

I am in the light of love and life.

You are always in my heart.


You can follow Karen's rekindled love for life on Instagram @lovelifeplant

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