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My Blueprint for a Joy full Year!

I don’t wait until the energy of the year to do my reflecting  releasing and healing  … I do that as I go and with intention each month (you can get my monthly guide here )

This means I am 'free' to look forward to a new year..& I am really excited for this next one!

My 2023 was a year of transition, a year of exploration, a year of real change and evolution through my own personal awareness, that brought a whole new depth to my levels of self respect which in turn lead to an unconditional self love that has enabled me to live & love my life, live and love others more.


Earlier today, I gave myself the gift of time to do my month end reflection with an infusion of New Year energy!


I thought I would share in a blog too for anyone else looking for New Year Inspiration..

I took myself through my Blueprint for a new year which leaves me feeling super uplifted and ready and raring to go for everything that a new year brings!


But first - for those of you thinking you don't have time!

Get out of your head!  It is not a ‘thinking’ process.

This is a knowing, a revealing, an opening, an allowing.

Allow yourself 30 minutes and just answer the questions below.  

Scribe them in your journal or your notes, speak them out loud or into voice notes to refer to later.

Get out of your head, listen to your intuition, lead with your heart write from your soul…

At the end of the year, rather than set goals, I like to reflect and consider the following:

  • my biggest lesson or takeaway from the year as a whole & how I can take that wisdom consciously into the new one.

  • Set promises to myself. Promises have more meaning. Promises set with love for myself, for my soul, for my life experience. Trusting in myself to keep them. 

  • Define my intentions, my reasons to live, to get up each day with passion & purpose. I see these as the breadcrumb trail to my destination, to keep me moving, evolving, growing …

  • Declare my context & theme for a year, the filter I make all my decisions through, a line & path to follow when the inevitable life curve balls are thrown

  • And finally, give myself a thrill with asking myself what my Big Dreams are! The ones I couldn’t possibly know how they would happen, the ones I can’t plan for, control or do right now. But just in the miracle of the possibility they could just happen!

This is my blueprint for a new year. 

You can use it as your blueprint for 2024, for any new project or month, week or quarter!

If you feel like you need a little inspiration - I have shared my mine below!

(I like to pin in my notes and review regularly to stay on track!)

Wishing you a joyful, peaceful, healthy, loving, dreamy & magical New Year! 

Love always

Ali xo 

Biggest lesson of 2023

When my soul shows me

And my spirit guides me

And my mind is clear

And my heart is true

All is good.

All is as it should be.

I can trust my deeper wisdom & knowing. 

Promises to myself in 2024:

  • Live consciously & respectfully; aware of what I need, what my body & soul is sharing with me; have the same awareness & respect for others

  • Live & love fully; being present in every moment, experiencing life on every level, with every sense.

  • Live with gratitude & abundance: I am so thankful for my life & I let go of all shame for wanting more…. Because there is so much more to experience!

  • Live courageously & curiously! Follow my interests, my intrigue, not afraid to fail or falter. Trust in my Human Design line 3/6 - this is my gift, to try, to learn, to lead.

  • Lead with innocence & play; my key themes of my Human Design; to have fun, to be lighthearted!

  • Live knowing that I am the only one who can cast my big dreams, live my life, look after myself, feed my soul, tend to my body, take the chances……

Intentions for 2024

  • My healthy & my family come first, my first priority; these are the foundations of my life & everything else is solid from that point.

  • Continue to grow my online coaching & mentorship business & personal brand into a reputable global brand, reaching the masses, serving many, always focussing on the one person I can support with joy, love, peace, health & dreams today. 

  • Continue to live & love my life as a priority; following my mantra of ‘love what I do, love who I do it with, love who I am in the process’ - whether at work or play. 

Context for 2024

Magical abundance!

This year has been a year of living & loving and I release the shame of wanting more! More love, more life, more health, more freedom, more experiences, more adventure, more intimacy, more fulfilment, more fun & laughter, more peace, more presence, more energy….more to live, more to love!

Abundance is simply more.

Magical is how I have decided this year will feel! 


Speak on a TED stage.

Publish a bestseller.

Buy a beach house. 

When I asked, this is simply what I wrote without thinking!

So that is me - all set and excited for what is to come, to see the person I will become through the experiences the year will offer me.

Follow me on instagram @xoalimortimer here to see what unfolds and where my sparkly boots will take me...

Find out how you can work with me here:


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