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Mastermind Client - V (The Glow Coach)

After working with V for 6 months supporting her in Voxer, she shared with me some beautiful feedback as a testimonial that made me do a little happy dance, shed a little tear as I anchored in to the gratitude for having found a passion & a purpose that supports my dreams, and the dreams of others.

Loving & living life... a life that gets better and better is available to anyone brave & willing enough to go for it. Just like Victoria, who left a corporate career & now runs her beauty business in a way that allows her to live her dream life.

Ali is a wonderful coach & mentor and her support played a huge role in a life changing 6 months for me - leaving my 18 year corporate career to set up my own wellness coaching business, launch a skincare product and become a consultant for start up beauty brands - it’s a dream come true to now have such a flexible, multi faceted career that I love and feel excited by each day.

I couldn’t have done it without Ali’s support in terms of my energetics & mindset because I had many blocks that needed working through for me to follow my dreams - worries about money & stability, concerns I wasn’t good enough, confident enough, loud enough, knowledgeable enough etc

Ali helped me quickly move through each block with her unique compassion, empathy, amazing way with words, knowledge of human design, reframes & energetic cleansing techniques- all quite new to me but so powerful! I was open minded and willing to do the work required to break through my limiting beliefs & I simply couldn’t have done it alone.

Now my life looks so different & I’m so happy that I invested in Ali’s support when I needed it most, it was life changing and I highly recommend it to anyone else who wants more in their life - more health, more happiness, more love, more success, more of everything because we only get one life!

Ali is an amazing coach & mentor to have by your side as you navigate what possibilities your life and future could hold.

Victoria (aka The GLOW Coach) - follow V on Instagram @theglowcoach for beauty & health tips and to see her gorgeous home in Amsterdam!

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