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HARMONY: the 7 components of living a happy life

At my rock bottom, I was lost without purpose, no career, no foundations, a future unknown.

In the depths of my depression, a voice inside my head asked, 'will I ever get through this & be happy again?' From that point on, it became my daily purpose in life to create it, focus on it and in doing so, I found myself living & loving my life in a far more authentic, fulfilling way.

From where I am now, I asked the question 'What contributed to my happiness & loving life again?'

In looking back there were some fundamental keys that unlocked the harmony I feel today, and create a life of true success and having it all; this is what I share with you & my clients:

HOPE: the faith in a dream & keeping it alive without any attachment to when & how.

ACTING FROM SPIRIT: following my instinct, my intuition, inspiration and with deliberate intention.

RESILIENCE: creating strength through whole heart health & healing.

MINDFUL LIVING: becoming the master of my mind, creating peace with awareness, acceptance & compassion for myself and others.

OWNING MY TRUTH: being honest with myself and others and in doing so creating transparent authenticity.

NURTURING RELATIONSHIPS: returning to love with all relationships; intimate & professional, with time, money, health and my body.

YEARLY, MONTHLY, DAILY CREATION: deliberately experiencing life the way I want it to be.

These are the principles I return to over and over in my own personal purpose to be the happiest version of myself & living my truest definition of success.

These are the components we will discuss & refer to in mentorship, in no particular order, taking time to consider each one that is relevant to you, your circumstances, your chapter of life, your aspirations and desires. We create your own strategies, principles, priorities & boundaries that will enforce & protect your happiness every day and enable you to live your life based on your own personal definition of success.


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