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Family HD - Emi

Ali’s Living & Loving with your Human Design blew my mind in so many ways.

I had my family dynamics reading and received more than what I expected. There are so many Human Design resources available but the way she explained to me really touched my soul…. it was more of a hug to my soul with love.

My husband and I have been married for 16 years now and I always knew his intuition and his decision making process was so fast but so right, yet I was the one who slowed our decision. As a result, there were many times we missed amazing opportunities.

After receiving Ali’s guidance, it made sense why there is a conflict between his decision making process and my decision making process. Now I know that I can tap into my own intuition to trust his decision!

I also had a deeper understanding on how I can navigate my daughters' emotions. I never agreed to call or label my girls “emotional” or “hormonal” when girls' emotions are going up and down. I now know how I can be patient with them and also allow them to give them enough space and time to ride their wave.

Ali provided me with parenting guidance on how to support my daughters to expand their power and their abilities to be who they are. Such an empowering approach.

I cannot thank Ali enough.

If you allow Ali to guide you, you will receive Ali’s shower of stardust and she will definitely light up your soul. Her work is so magical!

Happiness Story - Emi

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