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Family HD - Jen

Ali, I want to thank you for this work. Wow!


I found myself nodding along, thinking, “yes, that’s me. Yes, that’s so true, how is this so spot on?!”

Reading my personal chart was quite emotional for me.


I’ve spent all my life thinking I may be a little “too much”.

Suddenly I understood that I should embrace that side of me, it was who I was and what I was supposed to be.

I wouldn’t feel fulfilled unless I was embracing my too muchness!

My husband and I are so different.  I have always known that and occasionally our different approach to life has challenged me. The lightbulb moment came in understanding how he thought, why he thought the way he did and how he presented himself when he wasn’t being true to himself. My understanding and empathy have considerably grown for him and his for me, because of having the charts done. This is no small achievement!


My daughter’s chart was a joy to read. I hope Ali is right, it sounds like she is a rare creature that will change the world. I can not wait to see it!!


A wonderful tool for any individual or family.

Working with Ali is so easy, and her passion is beautiful to be around and infectious. I always want to try big things after I have spent time with her!

Happiness Story - Jen

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