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Do you batch cook?

"Do you Batch cook & Meal prep?"


I was asked this question this morning … and I recoiled in shame.

I felt dread at the thought of having to do it to show everyone how easy it is!


I should really shouldn’t I? 

I mean, that is what all health coaches tell everyone to do?  Make it easy by batch cooking in advance?


But batch cooking has never been for me

Not when I was working in my corporate job, 9-5 (more like 7-midnight!) alongside looking after 2 small kids and trying to keep up with my very social husband… and keeping the romance alive.

Not as a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur, not as a property developer, multiple business founder, not as a mother, wife... not even in lockdown!


The thought of spending my Sunday batch cooking was not on my agenda. 

And still isn’t! 

Meal planning is also not something I love either – it is too rigid, too formal, doesn’t account for spontaneity, or flexibility.  The guilt I would feel if I had batch cooked, meal prepped and then I was invited out, or didn’t feel like a curry & wanted a simple fish dish… the food waste too. I hate that... don't you, throwing out food you planned to eat, and then didn't?


My overriding feeling is that in a busy & full life, is that it has to be that meals & food has to be simple!

I know that when I want to be healthy, prioritise my health – FOOD is the number one thing that supports my physical health (maintains my weight or contributes to weight loss) and supports my mental health (thanks to the Vagus nerve & the gut brain connection) … a blog for another day – but in the meantime – see the attached file ' Happy Mind' page 13)…


So I thought I would share what I do instead…

if you are in the same camp of resisting the batch cook & meal prep idea, here are my 5 top tips to keep mealtimes SIMPLE!



  1. SIMPLE STOCKS: Fill & stock my fridges, freezer, cupboards & pantry with whole foods, tins, spices, herbs – you can download what I keep in my pantry by downloading the attached file 'Happy Belly' - Page 25&26.

  2. SIMPLE PLAN: Create a loose plan of 5 meals for the week, for example – this is my typical week plan

    • Monday – meat free – plant based

    • Tuesday – fish

    • Wednesday – pasta based

    • Thursday – chicken

    • Friday – out or on the fly!

    • Saturday - out or on the fly!

    • Sunday – roast

  3. SIMPLE IDEAS: Get inspiration from my family or my favourite chefs.  Knowing what to cook is often my biggest challenge – so I enlist help!  I ask my family what they want!  Makes it so much easier if they each come up with one meal they want that week…. Plus it means I know they will eat it!  So I ask ‘What do you want?!’  I also have my favourite cook books to hand with my favourite chefs & nutritionists (see here)

  4. SIMPLE TIMING: Allow myself time.  I like to set aside 30 minutes to cook a wholesome meal from scratch. Or if I know I am going to be time restricted, I keep it very simple with a stirfry, a quick pasta dish, leftovers or a tray bake. I remind myself I am not a professional chef, or an influencer. I am a woman with responsibilities and I just need good food for me and my family. It doesn't need to look pretty and it doesn't have to be perfect. Tasty, simple good food and in most cases - fast!

  5. SIMPLE ATTITUDE: Get in the right mindset & attitude.  This isn’t an ‘I HAVE TO’ moment, where I feel more stressed or pressure to whip up an amazing meal for me & the family.  I see this as an ‘I GET TO’ moment; I see this as my relaxation time, for enjoyment, I often get the kids or my husband to help.  I put music on or listen to a good podcast.  I see this as part of my job as a parent and my responsibility to look after my body.  I get to do this for my family and for me.  Good nourishment for the soul and body is my attitude!


When I first started my coaching journey, I was a newly qualified Holistic Health Coach and a lot of my work stemmed around food, nutrition and diet.


By understanding myself, my habits & then working with clients I recognised that what was on the plate, what is put in our bodies is influenced by our lives, the people we share our lives with and our mood…


My first methodology for health was ‘The Heal Yourself Happy Academy’ with 7 pillars for holistic health:  Happy Belly, Happy Body, Happy Sleep, Happy Mind, Happy Soul, Happy Connections & Happy Life.


These pillars are still very true & present in my life today when it comes to my health. 


For the purpose of this blog today, I am digging up from the archives 2 of the pillars and the workbooks I shared in the HYH Academy:  Happy Belly & Happy Mind.


If you would like to know more about the simple basics of what to eat to support your physical health – download the workbook here:  Happy Belly.


If you would like to know more about food & what you can eat to support your mental health – you can download the workbook here:  Happy Mind.

If you prefer to listen to learn, you can access a module from one of my Life Labs here where I share in more detail about doing a full Health Reset which includes what to eat and how you can look after your holistic health & hormones for living a happy life - use the button below:

If you prefer to talk & discus & have conversations, you can join me in private mentorship - why not start with booking an 'Happy Hour'! A 60 minute private session with me where you can bring anything to the table, discuss whatever you like, that you feel will help you feel happier, healthier and able to live a more joy filled life.

You can book a Happy Hour here

You can see all options to work with me in private mentorship here

You can email me if you would like to determine which option suits your needs, goals & desires!


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