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A Lesson in Chemistry: Self Combust & light up your life

(Side note before I start… I loved the book 'Lessons in Chemistry' by Bonnie Garmus in the Spring of this year. Tragic, heart breaking & heart warming. I am now enjoying the series on TV … if you love a good read or watch - I highly recommend it.)

If you are currently feeling bored by your life, frustrated that 'nothing is happening', feeling apathetic & 'not bothered', thinking that any effort to move from where you are to where you want to be just won't be worth it.... this blog post is for you.

This is exactly the mindset that will keep you where you are; stuck in a 'Plateau Prison'! This mindset will not 'move' or motivate you to get up and shift and my wish for this blog post is that we get you to do just that - shift your mindset & shift your gorgeous arse with some practical lifestyle strategies along with the emotional guidance & spiritual connection to fire you up and get you on the path to your next level.

I took inspiration from the book and also some of my son’s chemistry GCSE to help share this message and for you to remember it whenever you find yourself in this position again.

Do you remember learning about 'Combustion'?

Combustion is the reaction that happens when oxygen + fuel creates heat & light.

So are you ready to 'self combust' and fire up the spark to light up your life?! If you are - here are my 8 tips & strategies within the chemical experiment that is you to get you started...


When we want oxygen, we need to 'inspire' - which means to 'breathe in life', 'to be in spirit', 'to create an urge' ..

  1. Breathe in your life: the first way I know to breathe more is through intense physical movement. You don't have to do anything radical - just dance to your favourite tunes, run around your garden, sprint down the lane! Move your body to the point that you need to gulp in air! There is nothing better to get you out of your head that in to your body. Moving your body, will help you shift your mindset!

  2. Be in spirit: 'inspire' means to be in spirit, to be connected to your soul, your spirit. Prioritise a moment of stillness every day through meditation, mindfulness or an intentional practice of quietening your mind to hear the nudges of your soul, the whisperings of your spirit. Connect with what you know in your heart, the tingle of your intuition; be consciously present with you.

  3. Create an urge: fill yourself with inspiration - find a muse, a role model - somewhere is where you want to be, doing what you want to be, living a life that excites you; see through the lens possibility, that it is possible for you (rather than through the lens of lack, of not having... yet!)


Give the oxygen something to feed off, to react to ...

  1. Soul Fuel: Create the catalyst by connecting to your soul's mission. Get clarity on where you are going, a vision & the direction in which you want to go. Find the reasons this matters to you. The emotional connection is the catalyst! WHY are you doing this?! WHERE are you going?

  2. Brain Fuel: Stimulation is the name of the game. Give your mind something else to feed off other than worries, fears, doubts. Learn the skills & strategies that will help you on your journey to your vision. WHAT will help you?

  3. Physical Fuel: Momentum & sustainability comes from compounded action. The act of doing fuels more doing. This is HOW it happens and determines WHEN it will happen.


To keep the fires burning...

  1. Reflection: Take time to review and refine the reaction, the outcome, the results. Ask how you can improve, how you could be better, what you want to change? Who are you becoming? Who do you need to be? What can you learn from this so far?

  2. Celebration: Stay in the heat! Keep the temperature hot! Keep the flames alight with the celebration that it is alight, that you are alive, that you are learning, that you are growing, that you are evolving, moving. Celebrate each little step & big win. These little parties of recognition, gratitude & celebration will keep you motivated.

Keep self combusting my friend!

Watch this as a live training & message on youtube here:

To deepen the practices above, I have a few tools & practices you can dive a little deeper into:

To help you connect with your spirit, join me for meditation & mindfulness every Monday: Register to access to new mediations released weekly & access to all my meditations for you to find a ‘moment of calm’.

For Soul Fuel and perhaps even Brain fuel - learn about your Human Design; a roadmap to understanding your energetic DNA. You can watch a free Masterclass: HD101 here:

Or you can allow me to interpret your Human Design and give you the low down on your unqiue design & how you can use your energy to maximise your health & Happiness. For more details:

For guided Reflection & Celebration, you can use the workbook I use every month to create clarity on my vision, direction and how I set intentions:

If you would like more intimate or specific support, please email me to discuss your specific challenges and motivations and how I can support you either in private mentorship, online learning or in my mastermind.

Much love

Ali xo

Stay Happy, Healthy & Be Free!


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