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Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach
Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach

Manifest IT


In 2016, I had lost every everything...

I had lost my career to the juggle of motherhood, progression & burnout. 
I had lost my identity, no longer knew my purpose or role in life. 
I had lost my Mum, twice;  once to Alzheimer's and then suddenly to pneumonia.
I had lost my husband to another.
I had lost my confidence, self belief and support network.
I had lost respect & trust for myself, of others and my faith The Universe.
I had lost my health to a diagnosis of PTSD, Clinical Depression, Insomnia and an eating disorder.

I asked the question – how.  How will I ever be happy again?  How will I ever love again?  How will I every trust again?  Will I ever find love in my life, will I find love in work again?  How will I rebuild my health? How?  How?  How?

Just one year later, I had recreated a life, a better life, more beautiful life than I could have ever imagined.

Today, I am sat recalling the most beautiful memories of the last 4 years with people I love and who love me, in the most beautiful surroundings, our dream home, multiple streams of income, with a heart full of love and life full of contentment, joy and excitement for what the future holds in my life and in my career.

From a sun-lounger on my summer holiday in 2022, I asked myself – How did I do this?


And once again, I listened, and this time, I transcribed and recorded it all for you, so you can experience the same - the opportunity to create and live a beautiful life, now.


Are you ready to learn HOW to manifest the life of your dreams?


Manifest IT

In a guided visualisation – ILLUMINATE IT – I take you on the same journey I take myself to meet my soul, speak with my soul and see my soul’s inner truth.
This is the visualisation and process I have used to create a beautiful life from nothing.
In MANIFEST IT, we will dive deeper in each of the 4 stages of the visualisation, to help you integrate each of the steps in the visualisation itself and in life as you live out your manifestation.  

In MANIFEST IT, we will continue practice vibrational harmony of the 4 levels of your being, to strengthen your magnetism for magic and miracles. 

   Teaching One: Your Spiritual Being: (your Soul & Inner Truth)
  Teaching Two: Your Emotional Being (your Heart and Feelings)
Teaching Three: Your Cerebral Being (Brain & Thought)
  Teaching Four: Your Phy
sical Being (Human Behaviour & Action)

I share with you my experiences, the techniques I have used and give you my wisdom from the process of the last 7 years. 

Welcome to the magical world of manifestation and say yes to the life you know you were destined to live! 

Use the button below or click on the MANIFEST IT image and invest in your dreams & visions becoming your real life reality!


Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach

Manifest IT

£555.00 GBP


Ali Mortimer of XOALIMORTIMER,  cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earnings with their ideas, information, programmes, coaching, mentoring, experience, plans, tools or strategies. 

By making this payment, you recognise and agree that nobody and nothing as part of the XOALIMORTIMER brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results  in life, work, relationships happiness or earnings, or that you will earn any money with respect to your purchase of XOALIMORTIMER programmes, courses, trainings, masterclasses, social media content or coaching and that she has not authorised any such implication, promise  or representation by others.  There are no guarantees of future earnings or results, life, work, relationship or health transformations. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life and by purchasing here, you agree not to attempt to hold her liable for your decisions, actions or results at any time, under any circumstances.  

There are no refunds for any programmes.

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