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Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach



Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach
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The Library

Over the course of my personal journey in life, and through coaching & mentoring 100's of women, I have recognised that life very rarely runs smoothly.


In 2023, I was working with busy women, mothers, wifes, professionals, all with a desire to be happier, to be healthier, to live a better life.  They were willing and wanted to learn and practice the life skills that have helped me through some of the most difficult experiences a woman can face:  Loss of a career, loss of identity, loss of a parent, loss of ‘face’, loss of trust in self & others, loss of a marriage, loss of fertility, loss of pregnancy, loss of a business, loss of independence, loss of a dream, loss of health… 


Over the course of my lifetime and through supporting others in their life journey, there have been some common curve balls, similar life challenges and therefore, each month I share a 'Life Lab'  or a 'Joy Code' for each one of those life situations.


You can browse the Library below and buy individual masterclasses for £55 each or you can join the Love Club which is my 6 month mastermind for women which includes the full library, plus weekly mentorship & coaching and a private forum for daily support.



The Joy Codes

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


Throughout our life, our experiences shape us - how we think, feel, act & behave.  We hold emotional codes, belief codes, soul codes, trauma codes… This year, I asked myself how I had ‘coded’ myself in to prioritising joy & happiness and this is what I have published in to the Love club Library  - THE JOY CODE Series:


  • HOPES & DREAMS: Let's spice up your life with understanding what you really really want.  It's time to allow yourself to dream, to wish, to hope, to feeling in to all you desire. Give yourself permission to really dare to dream, to imagine what life could be like… unlock your potential future in your imagination and watch the magic unfold! (available now)

  • AWAKEN YOUR SPIRITUAL INTUITION:  What could be a more beautiful way to end your year with a deep spiritual connection, some personal introspection, allowing the noise & drama of the year fade so that you can listen to the musings of your soul & where she wants to lead you in 2024.  It's time to power up your soul.

  • MASTERING YOUR MIND: Your mind is your biggest & most powerful asset.  Your mind can either FIRE you up or F*ck you up!  It is time to get inside your mind and clear out the clutter, the noise and loosen the chains that are holding you back to living & loving your life. It's time to unleash you for the most magical year yet! 

  • RESILIENCE & HEART: Now that you have mastered your mind, you can lead with your heart. It's time to strengthen your heart muscle. It is time to become a true Love Warrior! 

  • SPEAK & BE THE TRUTH: Authenticity is the armour we wear when we feel our most vulnerable.  But how is this possible? How will you stay safe?  Transparency, honesty, truth is the only way to belonging and when you belong, you are always safe.

  •  INTENTIONAL CREATION.  You are the master of your destiny. You are the painter of your vision and the artist who brings it to life.  This is magic manifestation. Are you ready to feast on your life?


Life time access to a focussed Masterclass & Workbook

By making a payment you agree to the Terms & Conditions


Life time access to a focussed Masterclass & Workbook

By making a payment you agree to the Terms & Conditions

By making a payment you agree to the Terms & Conditions



My goal for each and every Life Lab is that you feel:
Empowered: with the tools, techniques, concepts, ideas, strategies and the conversations on how to integrate them in your life straight away.

Energised:  from giving yourself time to breathe, take stock, to lighten the load, to feel supported, knowing your truth and reconnecting with your own personal source of power within you.

Enriched:  from the experience of being held in love & gratitude by me and from the connection with other amazing women in the room.

Enlightened: with clarity - from having made a connection with yourself, your needs, feelings, understanding you, your value, your truth.

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach

Happiness Stories

Ali literally does change peoples lives.
I am in no doubt that it is the work that I have done with Ali that restored the functionality of my brain and led me to living the enriched life that I have now.
Ali is 100% reliable, non-judgemental, safe and takes her work & client welfare very seriously. She is genuinely naturally the nicest person you could wish to have in your life, who willingly shares her own experiences or materials if they can help you.


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