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Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach



Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


We each have a unique Energetic DNA: the energy flowing through our bodies is unique to each of us. Human Design shares a 'map' to understand the science & spirituality that created us and how we can interact with each other with love & respect for our individuality, co-create with the universal laws of vibrational energy and to live in alignment with who you were born to be.


Options include Ali's HD interpretations for individuals and family / team dynamic interpretations for harmonious living.


Use the link below to create your unique Human Design Chart & receive free guidance on how to interpret your Level One Energetic Flow.


Your Human Design

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach

Understanding my own Human Design & energetic blueprint felt like a giant permission slip to be more of who I knew I was, to show up more as the truest representation of myself without fear, guilt or shame.  I know my clients have all felt the same.  It can be a beautifully emotional experience.


The confirmation of the awareness of the gifts I intuitively felt, and also the awareness of where my energy was inconsistent, where I absorbed the energy of others that could be a huge source of power with the understanding of how to use it, or unhealthy if I didn't. This knowledge gave me the opportunity to create or strengthen boundaries to support me, do the inner work to release my lifetime of inner emotional and behavioural coding.  It liberated me!


In understanding my 'Authority' & 'Strategy', procrastination became a thing of the past, decision making became less about logic and more about connection to an inner knowing and the recognition that when I have made decisions this way, it has has never let me down.


The moment I lived in alignment with my Energetic Blueprint, life, love, work, wealth began to flow; and with the tools to understand when I was out of alignment, I was easily able to course correct so that life just keeps getting better and better.


And it can for you too.


Private Interpretation Report:  £111

Private Interpretation Report & Integration Call:  £222


Human Design

Human Design is a concept, a tool that can teach us so much about ourselves, but also our children, our colleagues, our partners. Learning how we can all live together, work together and support each other in energetic harmony.


In understanding my energetic gifts, my energetic power and that of others, I have been able to bring harmony, understanding to all my relationships; the most intimate, with my children, my business partners, my clients, the people I work with and do business with.  In doing so, the relationships thrive but so do all our businesses and our lives, as we are far more productive, a stronger unit that can create, be, do, achieve so much more when working in alignment with ourselves and energetic harmony with others.


Couples or Partnership: £333 includes 2 individual interpretation reports & recorded analysis & suggestions

Family or Team: £555 for up to 4 individual interpretation reports  & recorded analysis & suggestions

Private Integration Calls:  £222

Additional team / family member interpretation: £155

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach
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Level One

Get your Human Design Chart & watch how to interpret your Human Design Level One.

Happiness Stories

The mini mind has literally blown my mind!
Simply the best way to invest in my personal development.

Ali has been so generous with her time and knowledge, answering all of my questions, helping me to understand my HD and how to play to my strengths.

It has been an epic week!



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