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Health & Healing

Love who you are

I believe that Health & Happiness go together;  in fact, I would go as far as to say, you cannot have one without the other.  In 2013, I burnt out from the juggle of young motherhood & a big professional role;  I lost my health and in doing so lost my happiness.  In 2016, I lost my joy and the side effect was a loss of health - Clinical Depression, PTSD, Insomnia & disordered eating.


In both cases, I had to 'heal' my mind & body; I healed myself back to happiness using holistic strategies, nourishment of mind, body and soul, following the principles of mindfulness to become aware of what I needed to heal & restore my health and happiness. Prioritising my health, my healing & my happiness was a pure act of self respect & self love.


You can do the same.  Find your first step to restoring & refreshing  your health & healing below and ultimately reveal the Woman of Wellness within you... 

Let's simplify your path to health

I know how it feels to be totally overwhelmed by all the information that you can find on the internet about 'health'.  Over the last decade I have made it my life's work & business to create SIMPLE & sustainable health for myself & others, especially when life is busy & complicated.


It can be so easy to put your health on the back burner but when you want to experience MORE FROM LIFE, it starts with your health - because how you feel everyday is how you show up everyday. 


I would love to share with you 2 resources that have been fundamental to me and my clients as we've embarked on our health journeys together - you can access free them  here

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Take a Life Lab for your Health

Life Labs are simple 60-90 minute online sessions sharing my journey, my strategies, tools & tips for creating simple health in my life.  For mental health & anxiety, start with 'Mindfulness a Way of Being'. For better sleep & stress reduction, take 'Wired & Tired'. For hormonal health & my Health Reset - take yourself through HRT3. You can browse the Life Lab Library here for more...

Join the CALM Clinic

Mental Health MattersWe all face BIG things - big decisions, big choices, big responsibilities, big jobs, big ideas, big lives, big issues. These all get ‘trapped’ in our heads, we overthink, we overwhelm, we overload, we overdo. We live on auto-pilot allowing our subconscious mind to rule our life. In this Membership, I share the principles of mindfulness; living with a Conscious Aware Loving Mind, of our thoughts, feelings & behaviours & bring more healing, happiness & health to our lives. Find out more here

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Be part of the Love Club

Connection & belonging does wonders for our health; being part of a collective group  with the same values, dreams, missions & intentions to create a movement, a tide that lifts all ships!  This is a 6 month mastermind for women where we discuss all matters to do with health - nutrition, movement, relationships, work, life!  Together we are the dreamers & the doers who create a fulfilling life we love to live! Find out more here.

Unleash your Woman of Wellness

We are all unique individuals, on our own unique path, with our own limitations, our individual circumstances.  Private mentorship is where you create your own experience, a private time to discuss your challenges, your desires, your goals.  If you would like to focus on your physical health, look good, feel good in a way that works for you - take a look at my WOW Factor Programme:  90 days to unleaseh the Woman of Wellness within you. Take a look here.

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At 42 I found myself on the wrong side of 40. With two little ones (my youngest aged 2), a business, a busy husband and a household to run; I felt physically as if I was in my 80’s and emotionally done and as frustrated insomniac I was tired, chronically tired. Ali literally turned it all on it’s head. Over 6 months she helped me with my diet and how to incorporate eating well into my busy life in a alway that suited me, she gave me solutions to help with the insomnia (brilliant ones at that!).  She introduced me to tools to deal with pain both physically and emotionally, taught me mindfulness (something I had never really grasped before) and most importantly she gave me my love of life back.

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