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Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


Corporate Coaching

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach


Corporate Responsibility

While global rates of obesity, diabetes & other chronic diseases continue to be on the rise, it is the global ‘pandemic’ of mental health related issues, anxiety, stress, burnout & depression that are causing the highest rates of absenteeism, attrition & staff turnover.


74%* of adults in the UK in the past year have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.*


The effects of poor health - mentally, physically & emotionally - are costing UK businesses more every year in medical leave, sick days, compromise agreements & recruitment fees; mental health related conditions are significantly impacting performance, productivity, confidence & satisfaction in the work place.

Ali provides bespoke programmes & services that are a cost effective solution to improve employee health and morale while decreasing an organisation’s health-related costs.


By focussing on the holistic health & wellbeing of their employees, organisations will see an increase in employee engagement, performance & productivity as well as a decrease in employee illness, absenteeism & turnover.


When individuals are healthy, happy, confident & feel cared for, they are more engaged, motivated, committed, reliable and creative; they are thriving!


When people feel at their best, they can give their best at work, in life, in their relationships; their well-being & positivity will ripple out to those who walk with them.


Just imagine what a collection of thriving, happy, healthy, inspired, innovative individuals could create!

*statistic from Mental Health Org - 81% women, 67% men


Corporate Clients


Bespoke Blueprint

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach

It is the creation of a bespoke blueprint for each individual & team that creates a beautiful balance & unique blend of living life & working well for life.

Ali does not believe in creating ‘work life balance’; in today’s environment, society & ways of working, this is nigh on impossible. However, she does believe that a sense of balance can be created for everyone through the balancing of the ‘masculine’ & ‘feminine’ strategies.

The masculine strategies are the structures, the processes & habits we create for ourselves that support the achievement of our life intentions & work ambitions. These include the practical mindset & lifestyle techniques - our nutrition, movement, rest, recreation & time management.

The feminine strategies are the creation of inner strength & emotional resilience that comes from a deeper awareness & connection to the self that opens up intuition, insight & innovation. These include mindfulness, mindful living, understanding your Human Design, spirituality, surrender & trust.


Why Ali?

Ali understands first hand what it is like to ‘balance’ the passion for her work & purpose, alongside the love of her family & friends & the importance of her health.


Ali has lead, coached & inspired global teams to deliver strategic results as well as privately coached & mentored C-suite executives, partners & directors of service based businesses to established entrepreneurs & start-ups as well as women organising the lives of those they support.


Her forte has always been getting the best out of the people she works with, colleagues & clients, to deliver results fast. She continues to use these strengths, skills and passions in the work she does today.


In 2017 & 2018 she retrained as a Coach & Mentor with qualifications in health, life, mindfulness & meditation & since gone on to study Human Design & created her own curriculum for mental & physical health combined with spiritual connection & emotional awareness.


Since then, Ali has supported 1000's of people through her free work online and paid programmes & services & has the testimonials, stories & evidence that her unique approach delivers results effectively & sustainably.

All corporate workshops or packages are bespoke & tailored to the challenges, demands and desired change of the company, to provide the appropriate value to the audience & individual.

Ali Mortimer - Life, Love & Happiness Coach
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"Ali did a session on Positive Thinking & Resilience in order for people to create a level of balance in their lives. It came at a time when several members have been working from home for 6 months and it was a way to re-boot energy and drive over for the next few months ahead. The team fed back that it came at a very welcomed time, a refreshing course with lots of tips and advice."


“Ali is warm, motivational, takes no sh*t and always gives 110% and so if you've been thinking about life coaching, you should honestly look no further. Ali, you're a f*cking hero..”

Marks and Spencer

"I approached Ali because this was a fairly last minute thing and I know that she is great in a crisis. In addition to the personal benefits that these sessions bring, I wanted the team to know that their wellbeing is important to them and us, so holding this session as part of a wider meeting would highlight the message that it’s important to take time for yourself and also that we (the leadership) care about them as people.


Having briefed Ali on this I knew she would pitch this perfectly, and she did. It is fair to say the feedback from colleagues was astounding. I received so many emails thanking me for setting the session up, it was clear that people really needed it. In actual fact the session was so successful we have decided to partner with Ali more formally."

Partner in Law

“I started working with Ali when honestly I was in a time of crisis. She was the one I cried to when I felt I needed to be strong elsewhere. She was the one who I didn't feel judged by or that I was letting down. I have a toolkit for resilience which ranges from nutrition, mindfulness, meditation, visualisation and many more.”


“Thank you Ali. You are amazing. A completely gifted coach and human.

I was so frightened and didn’t believe I could ever feel better. Your unique approach to coaching has honestly saved me from a life of suffering and darkness.”

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